Media, News & FAQs
Media enquiry
If you have a media enquiry contact: press@pact-dogs.com
Television appearances
March 2025 - Crufts (UK Channel 4, Pt3 coverage of 8th March 2025)
Segment on Sustainability in Dog businesses, culminating in Nat and Corrin receiving the Inaugural Award for Most Sustainable Business at Crufts.
February 2025 - Underdog (UK Channel 5, Episode 4)
PACT member and Assistance Dog expert Becki Gaude
Fabulous display Animal Training Instructor skills, with Becki helping a family to train their dog to carry out assistance dog tasks.
August 2022 - Ben Fogie New lives in the Country (UK Channel 5 Season 2 Episode 5)
The fantastic story PACT Member Rizia from Pentlands Dog Training relocating and building her dog wonderland. Episode features Corrin and Nat travelled up to Scotland to do Rizia’s final assessment in person.
Keep up to date
Follow our social media pages to find out about our activities and check here for the newsletters. Members are emailed the newsletters directly to their inboxes. Read the latest edition from May 2022 as a PDF version or accessible text only version.
PACT Lunches
Most Tuesdays we share a blog from right across the PACT team, you can see the previous ones here: https://www.pact-dogs.com/blog
Regular podcast episodes from Nat, Corrin & Steve with special guests and the latest updates from the sector and beyond, find out more here: https://www.pact-dogs.com/barksfrom
Impact Reports
Transparency is important, that’s why we publish regular reports about our activities, including our social and environmental impact.
Press releases:
Our lectures and tutorials are released weekly on the platform Thinkific. These are available to watch at a convenient time for you. All lectures are recorded so you can watch back at a convenient time.
We set guideline dates for you to submit the homework video's & assignments but you have the freedom to submit them when you are ready within 18 months.
The fieldwork sessions are held in Southampton. These at 2 x 2 days. All dates for this year are confirmed, please get in touch for details. Attendance at the fieldwork sessions is recommended but not compulsory
The theory assessment is online in the comfort of your home. There are 50 questions and your have 1 hour 30 mins to complete. We advise a date to sit the exam but again this is flexible, if you don't feel ready or life gets in the way you'll have other opportunities. The practical assessment is 2 x videos that you record and submit to a private folder.
Yes, we cater for all levels of experience. Throughout the course, you'll be logging practical training hours that you'll submit at the end to ensure you have enough hands on skills. These hours are a combination of training as the handler, coaching & shadowing.
DogX Annual Conference 2025
Our next annual conference, DogX will be held on 12th October 2025. To be the first to know, and get ahold of your early bird tickets, follow our social media channels for updates!