Find an accredited trainer near you
All of the PACT ATI and CBT accredited members have committed to our industry-leading code of practice. They have all been assessed to meet the Animal Training Instructor standard, with CBT’s having also passed an Animal Training & Behaviour Council (ABTC) recognised course based on the Animal Behaviour Technician role standard.
PACT ATI’s are also eligible to be on the ABTC register, which is the only list of dog trainers recommended by the RSPCA, Blue Cross & the Dogs Trust.
We ensure all our members are practising with the latest knowledge in canine science, ethics and skills via our annual membership renewal process and code of conduct.
Find your local PACT member
Find your local PACT member
Find your local PACT member
Find your local PACT member
You can also search for a local PACT member on the Animal Behaviour & Training Council practitioner registry