Book your assessment with one of our options below

Accreditation via completion of the PACT CTIC course (and assessments).

Canine Training Instructor Course Assessment (Theory)

For external applicants that can provide a professional reference and show evidence of ONE of the following:

* Graduation from an ABTC recognised course

* Already on the ABTC ATI register

* Already on the ABTC CAB register

Complete this form to start the process

External Assessment OPTION 2 (Theory)
External Assessment OPTION 2 (Practical)

For external applicants that can show provide a professional reference and evidence of TWO of the following:

* Graduation from an ABTC recognised course

* Already on the ABTC ATI register

* Already on the ABTC CAB register

Complete this form to start the process

External Assessment OPTION 3 (Practical)

For external applicants that have studied elsewhere at Level 4 (or equivalent) and have a minimum of 2 years industry experience.

A professional reference will also be requested.

Complete this form to start the process

External Assessment (Option 4 - Viva)
External Assessment (Option 4 Theory)
External Assessment (Option 4 practical)
PACT Advocate Membership