Why I love my electric limo
Published on 3 September 2024
By Mouse Light
This is a picture of me, Mouse.... I'm sure I was probably surveying my land when this was taken.
I’m Mouse! If you’ve been on a PACT course I’ve probably sat on your lap on one of the practical days, especially if it was cold (less than 28 Degrees).
I love going to my field or travelling around on holiday, but after a difficult upbringing I really do hate loud noises, being shook around and dirty fumes, so didn’t always want to get in the old van we used to have. It’s been nearly 48 years (apparently 8 human years) since my mum got me a big white electric limousine for my birthday (she calls it her Van, but we all know it’s mine). It’s the only thing I tend to ride around in these days and I want to share with you why I love it so much.
So here are to top reasons:
Lower noise - As I said, I find loud noises really scary and it used to put me off going for a trip in my mums old noisy red van. Whilst this van still makes a little noise, it’s much nicer on the ears. It’s not just my van that I find less scary, when I’m out on a walk it’s a lot scarier when a quieter electric vehicle goes past me.
More accessible - I only have little legs and did struggle after a long walk to jump in my old van, I think its as there isn’t this smelly pipe underneath it this one is a bit lower, its certainly easier for me to jump in and out.
Safer when parked - The other thing I’ve noticed is that I don’t get dirty if I take a shortcut and sneak under it, I did it once with my old van and I got my beautiful white coat all greasy..
That's me running on a beach, full of beans after a having a nap in my limo
Smother driving experience - Now it depends if dad or mum is driving, but it does feel a bit smoother when I’m being driven around in my limo. Gru (in the picture later on) tells me he’s heard something about regenerative braking whatever that means.. but I certainly don’t hear squeaky noises when we slow down. Most of the time it’s so relaxing in my van bed that I have a sneaky nap, its proper chilled.
Reduced air pollution - I’m far too important to drive myself, so I always ride in my cabin with a bed and refreshments at the back of the limo, but that used to be quite close to the fumes from the pipe at the back. When we were in traffic it could be quite smelly and Gru told me it was bad for your lungs.
Zero pollution heating/cooling - Dad is always talking to people on his laptop about it getting hotter and some global heating issue, apparently cars can make it worse.. but I love sunbathing, although I can over do it sometimes and have to jump in the pool to cool down, sadly I can’t do that whilst travelling (perhaps something my next limo should feature if your reading this mum??).
Fortunately this thing has these holes that blow cool air at you, it’s really nice on a hot day. In our old van this would only work when the noisy engine was on, but now it’s sometimes on when we’re parked, it’s so nice and cool without all those horrible fumes. Even in the winter the limo is always the perfect temperature, it’s proper special.
Picture of Mum and Gru charging our limo in Salisbury in 2021 whilst we made our way to South Wales.
Less rides on scary nosy motorways - Another thing I have noticed is that dad doesn’t go on those big multi-lane roads as much. Gru thinks this is as the faster you go the less efficient you are. Gru explained that it’s a bit like when I plod along slower so I don’t get tired and can enjoy more sniffs on a longer walk.. either way it’s much nicer for me.
More decent breaks on a long trip - Now this is my favourite bit, in the past I’d jump in the car thinking i’m going 5 minutes down to the field and i’d end up stuck in the van for 2 hours with a couple short breaks to go for a pee. Often I’d get a clue to this happening, particularly when lots of bags are being packed in, when jack was here he’d always warn me. This doesn’t happen any more, we still have long journeys, but for some reason they stop a bit more often, attach the Limousine to a white box and I get to have a proper nose around.
Mum (Nat) and Aunty Corrin proudly with their fully electric PACT "limo" fleet
I’ve shown lots of my dog friends and the guardians that follow them around my electric limo. It’s probably really expensive to have such a posh limo, I know i’m spoilt, but if they can afford to and it works for them I hope they can have one too..
This is me, my mum and Drax all posing for a photo.. I was probably starting some Instagram trend as usual.